Programme > Mardi 21 Mars après-midi


Carrefour de l’IST 2017


Centre Prouvé - Nancy





Les changements de paradigmes au-delà des frontières

Conférence plénière (en anglais)

Digital Innovation for Better Research : Open science & Open data in the UK and beyond

Chris KEENE (Jisc - Head of Library and Scholarly Futures)

‘Open’ has been a key theme in the scholarly communication environment for nearly two decades, from Open Access to research outputs, Open Data and the rise of Open Science. These have been international developments - and research is an international endeavour - however adoption and practice has differed between countries due to national structure, funding and policies for research. This talk explores the developments in Open Science in the UK as well as Europe, and look at the innovative initiatives and developments that help disrupt the traditional processes and models with the aim of producing better, and more open, research.



Déconstruction, recréation… de la publication !

Table ronde animée par Jean-Claude Guédon (Université de Montréal)

Nouveaux modes de publication, nouveaux modèles économiques, nouvelles pratiques de la recherche

Participants :

Marin Dacos (Cléo)

Jean-Pierre Finance (Président de Couperin)

Claude Kirchner (Inria)

Odile Hologne (Inra)



Réinventons demain…

Clôture du CARIST 2017 à deux voix

Par Nathalie Berriau (ADBS) et Dominique Wolf (Inist-CNRS)


Personnes connectées : 2